Following in-depth analysis from across a wide breadth of metrics and performance indicators, revolving around translation to robust COVID-19-focused support, a detailed insights report has been published at both global, national, and individual trust-level.
The report builds from a foundation of comparable data collated from a range of sources, in order to support demand management and establishing of a response strategy tailored specifically to the trust’s starting position and subsequent needs.
This works alongside predictive analytics and insight, allowing for a forward look into what the upcoming COVID-19 impact may be on areas such as bed capacity and workforce, therefore further supporting preparatory measures at the trust.
Initial analysis began with a comparison of the starting points at 130 acute NHS trusts over 6 key domains and 99 individual indicators, creating a picture of the current situation on the ground. Assessment of the selected trust’s position against other acute trusts provides a preliminary insight into how its current performance within these metrics will affect its ability to cope with the upcoming impact of COVID-19, therefore emphasising critical areas of focus during preparatory planning.
The report investigates key areas including: Global demand drivers, workforce drivers, bed occupancy, diagnostics, ED demand, patient profiles, and insight into the current developing COVID-19 situation at a trust, national and global level. This is presented across chapters which cover:
- The Global Landscape – growth curves, cumulative cases and mortality, population profiles across the globe, risk to the elderly, mental health impact, bed demand and high-risk regions, as well as relative health system capacities.
- COVID-19: What is known about the virus? – how COVID-19 compares to other outbreaks, underlying condition impact assessment, and looking to the future.
- Your Patient Profiles – in-depth analysis of the type of patients seen by the trust, as well as high risk diagnosis groups.
- Your Predicted Demand due to COVID-19 – using predictive analytics to forecast periods of peak demand across key departments at the trust.
- About You – a summary of overall trust performance across a number of key domains.
- Mortality – insight into mortality rates among peers, as well as within specific diagnosis group.
- Your Demand – a study of levels of activity and recent patterns across multiple departments, including ED, bed occupancy, and diagnostics.
- Conclusion – a summary of the findings of the report.
Through this, the report delivers extensive analysis of areas such as the trust’s current ED performance, it’s specific patient demographic, alongside the current demand and activity across essential services that will prove to be crucial components in the ongoing fight against COVID-19.
It utilises technology which develops projections based upon current global COVID-19 case trajectories, in order to explore the predicted changes in demand over the course of the pandemic, as well as its impact on the organisation’s ICU capacity and mortality rates.
At its heart, the goal of the report is to illustrate the demand and available capacity of the trust, both now and as the pandemic progresses, in order to support decision making within the trust during the periods of extreme demand predicted to occur over the upcoming months. Through this, it works to ensure trusts are prepared with in-depth understanding of their baseline positions and how this will translate to the strain of a COVID-19 influx upon its services, therefore providing an important tool for the focused and effective preparation essential to protecting patients and saving lives.